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JMP Chiropractic Dr. Jon M. Postajian
2 years ago Burbank, Countries/Regions Ad Views:808.3k Ad ID:1553Additional Details
- NameDr. Jon M. Postajian
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Dr. Postajian has been in practice since 1994, and during that time he has developed an extensive knowledge for treating personal, and occupational injury patients, including; Personal Injuries (Automobile Accidents)
Work Injuries and Sports Injuries.
He attended Cleveland Chiropractic College-Los Angeles, graduating in 1994, and was recognized on the Dean\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s List for Academic Achievement. Since that time he has continued to excel academically in multiple areas of specialty training including, certification as a Personal Injury Specialist, Independent Disability Evaluator, Functional Capacity Evaluator, as well as a Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Provider.
Services we offer;
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments For
-Neck Pain
-Stiff Neck
-Low Back Pain
-Sciatic Pain
-Wrist Pain (Carpal Tunnel)
-Shoulder Pain (Tendonitis)
-Ankle Pain (Twisted Ankles/Sprain Injuries)
Massage Therapy
Compression Rehabilitation Therapy
Graston (Instrument Assisted Myofascial Release)
Low Back Disc Treatments including Flexion/Distraction Decompression Therapy
Custom Foot Orthotics
716 S. Victory Blvd.